Keanu Reeves and his beloved artist Alexandra Grant have joined the Futureverse Foundation, an NFT charity run by Non-Fungible Labs. The actor said he was honored to be a part of the project:

“For the sake of the Futureverse Foundation’s extraordinary program to support creators and artists around the world, I am honored to join the efforts of Non-Fungible Labs in collaboration with Alexandra Grant.”
The organization is said to be investing in little-known artists to promote and create “a more diverse, equitable and inclusive space in both the meta-universe and the real world.”

The actor has previously been asked about his attitude toward NFT technology. Not only has Reeves’ infectious laugh become a meme, but it has also resonated positively in the hearts of his fans:

Now, however, plenty of fans are embarrassed and upset by Keanu’s act:

“And yet a few months ago, all of Twitter was praising him for mocking the idea of NFT.”

“I can’t believe Keanu Reeves finally did something that made me dislike him, lol. It’s almost a relief.”

“Ahem. And I thought the clip of him laughing at the NFT concept was so charming.”

By the way, what is the phrase ‘make NFT more inclusive’ even supposed to mean?”

“His laugh (unfortunately) has aged like milk, lol.”

“You were chosen, Keanu, you were supposed to destroy the cringe, not join it!”

Most believe that Reeves has reconsidered his views. However, there is also speculation that the actor simply decided to support his girlfriend or was initially misunderstood.

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